
Significance of Chanting OM mantra | Science of Aum Chanting | Artha

2019-02-05 2 Dailymotion

The Om Mantra or "AUM" is the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism.It is finite as well as infinite. It contains everything from Vedas.It is considered so divine in Hinduism that they place it before and after every other Mantra. watch this video to know Benefits of The OM Mantra

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1‘Om’. The sound of this word itself cleanses the environment around a person and gives positive vibrations.

2 The Mantra with the word Om in it has the power to purify one’s aura.

3 Chanting Om Mantra can automatically place a person in a meditational state which offers deep relaxation.

4 When someone chants the universal hymn of Om, their concentration capacity naturally increases.

5 Regular chanting of the ‘Om’ Mantra removes the toxin from one's body.

6 While chanting Om, a typical sound is created by the vocal cords which benefit the thyroid glands and the throat.

7 It has also proven to have cardiovascular benefits due to its relaxing qualities it decreases the blood pressure and helps the heart to beat with the regular rhythm.

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